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Adventures in Canbra (Canberra)

Yesterday, we got up in the morning and saw a bunch of frost on the ground which made both of my kids super excited so we ventured out into the cold and lasted about 30 minutes before our hands were so cold that we had to go back inside. When we were out in Rachael's backyard which is a park there was a cell tower that had this birds perched on it and sort of reminded me of vultures perched on towers in Florida. But when i looked through the binoculars there were actually sulphur crested cockatoos.

This is the view from the back of Rachael's house

The black dots areSulphur crested cockatoo

This is the frost on a tiny plant out in the yard

After we enjoyed the morning views and delicious coffees we went into Canberra (the capital of Australia) and visited the War Memorial and hiked up Mount Ainsle. This hike is different than hiking in Florida where the highest point is 200 ft above sea level and Mt Ainsle is 842 meters (2,800 ft above sea level). The mountain/hill depending on where you're from was about 200 meters uphill which was kinda a bit of a workout. :0 Got to see some cool birds including crimson rosella, galahs, gray kangaroos, wallabies, superb fairy wren, red wattlebird, pied carrawong, Australian magpie, Australian raven, magpie lark, grey fantail, red-capped robin, and a straw-necked ibis.

Once we made it up to the top there was an amazing view of the capitol building. And then had fun taking silly pictures in front of the amazing view. Just like old times where Rachael and I hugged each other into ablivion and laughed hysterically. Here's a series of pictures to laugh at. :)


Posted by spbjohnson 15:06 Archived in Australia Tagged birds hiking australia mt kangaroo canberra rachael ainsle

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Looks like a very fun adventure for all ❤️

by Karyn Reichenbach Gruber

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